Why Become A Member?
NSLHA membership allows all of us to be a collective voice in impacting and influencing public policy and regulations at the state and federal levels. Through NSLHA, we can continue to enhance our skills as audiologists or speech-language pathologists through education opportunities, NSLHA Connects (our member only Facebook group), through our Facebook page, and by connecting at regional events. We can also share our clinical specialty with fellow members, to help all of us grow professionally. All of these membership benefits help us to make new friends and contacts to support one another in our profession.
Become a member or renew your NSLHA membership. NSLHA’s membership year is September 1 – August 31. When completing a NSLHA membership renewal form or application, you are invited to volunteer for NSLHA committees.
Membership Values
Continuing Education
NSLHA provides continuing education, service, and research activities within the speech, language and hearing professions leading to further understanding of the processes of speech, language, and hearing and to the development of improved preventive and remedial services and procedures. Continuing education is offered through NSLHA conferences and workshops.
NSLHA encourages lifelong learning. As a NSLHA member you receive a $150 discount to subscriptions at MedBridge. Login to the MEMBERS ONLY area to acquire the Discount Code and link to MedBridge.
Legislative Issues
NSLHA advocates for the rights and interests of persons with communication disorders and promotes the individual and collective professional interests of the members of the association. As the voice for Nebraska audiology and speech-language pathology providers, NSLHA has the power and leverage to influence the issues that affect audiology and speech-language pathology services. NSLHA advocates for its members’ interests and strives to positively influence public policy efforts on behalf of members at the local, state, and federal levels. Through NLSHA’s lobbyist and the Legislative Affairs Committee’s work, NSLHA members are kept informed of legislative updates. An interpretation of how proposed legislative and regulatory changes will impact NLSHA members is provided.
NSLHA offers grassroots training to members on how to be proactive in addressing legislative issues that impact the speech-language pathology and audiology profession, and how to build relationships with lawmakers. Representatives testify on behalf of the NSLHA membership at state legislative committee hearings regarding issues that impact audiologists and speech-language pathologists in the state of Nebraska.
Regulatory Issues
NSLHA’s Insurance and Reimbursement Committee works to address and resolve common concerns impacting the audiology and speech-language pathology industry, NSLHA members, and Nebraska Medicaid clients served by audiologists and speech-language pathologists. The committee identifies possible solutions and offers recommendations to the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). The committee works to gain a better understanding of Medicaid processes and requirements impacting audiologists and speehc-language pathologists and regularly discusses changes in regulations and processes that affect speech-language-hearing services and offers constructive comments to DHHS. This may include discussions about timely reimbursement of claims, the need to adjust fees in order to provide reimbursement for current costs of delivering services, and pre-authorization of services. The committee works diligently with Medicaid managed care organization representatives to resolve issues, with a focus on providing the best quality care and services possible to clients. Regulatory updates are provided to to the NSLHA membership, with ongoing opportunities for members to communicate matters that need to be addressed by the committee.
Communications and Networking
Members are provided with timely and useful information regarding the most recent developments in audiology and speech-language pathology. The website is designed to be an effective tool for members to access and share current and relevant information for the profession.
Members can also share ideas, best practices and solutions to challenges that impact their agencies or businesses through social media via NSLHA Connects (Facebook group) and the NSLHA Facebook, Instagram, and X accounts.
NSLHA alerts members when regulatory or legislative issues arise and provides an interpretation of how proposed changes will impact you and your clients. Members also receive regular email updates and action alerts as issues arise that impact the speech-language-hearing profession.
Community Outreach and Public Relations Activities about Nebraska Speech-Language-Hearing Services
NSLHA members participate in consumer awareness activities such as:
- Providing speakers for organizations, groups or businesses that are interested in learning more about speech-language-hearing services.
- Assistance in locating speech-language-hearing providers in your area.
- Information regarding speech-language-hearing questions, complaints or concerns.
- Fundraising activities to benefit research related to speech-language-hearing disorders and practices.
- Community outreach and service projects conducted by speech-language pathologists and audiologists in their local communities such as food and toy drives.
Membership Categories
When completing a NSLHA membership renewal form or application, please reference these membership definitions when selecting your membership type and dues amount.
Lifetime Members
A Lifetime Member must have: 1) attained the age of sixty (60), and (2) held membership in NSLHA for the 10 consecutive years immediately prior to attaining age sixty.
Full Member
Full Members: Must hold: 1) a graduate degree with major emphasis in speech-language pathology, audiology, or speech and hearing science; or 2) a graduate degree and present evidence of active research, interest, and performance in the field of human communication (LC 14-2000). Members must agree to abide by the Code of Ethics of the American Speech-Language and Hearing Association (ASHA).
Associate Member
Associate Members: Must: 1) hold a Bachelor’s degree with major emphasis in speech-language pathology, audiology, or speech and hearing science; and (2) must have not attained full member status.
Affiliate Member
Affiliate Members: Any individual not eligible for membership status under the other membership categories who wishes to support actions of NSLHA and who is a member in good standing.
First-Year Professional Member
First-Year Professional Members: Must: 1) have earned a degree in a speech-language pathology or audiology within the past 12 months and 2) have been a NSLHA student member. At the completion of the 12 months, a First-Year Professional is transferred to a Full Member and must pay Full Member dues in order to maintain that membership status.
Student Member
Student Members: Must be enrolled in a degree program with major emphasis in speech-language pathology, audiology, or speech and hearing science at the graduate or undergraduate level.
NSLHA Regions
Region 1: Cass, Douglas, Sarpy, Washington
Region 2: Fillmore, Gage, Jefferson, Johnson, Lancaster, Nemaha, Otoe, Pawnee, Richardson, Saline, Seward, Thayer, York
Region 3: Antelope, Boone, Boyd, Burt, Butler, Cedar, Colfax, Cuming, Dakota, Dixon, Dodge, Holt, Knox, Madison, Merrick, Nance, Pierce, Platte, Polk, Saunders, Stanton, Thurston, Wayne, Wheeler
Region 4: Adams, Blaine, Buffalo, Clay, Custer, Dawson, Franklin, Furnas, Garfield, Gosper, Greely, Hall, Hamilton, Harlan, Howard, Kearney, Loup, Nuckolls, Phelps, Sherman, Valley, Webster
Region 5: Arthur, Brown, Chase, Cherry, Dundy, Frontier, Grant, Hayes, Hitchcock, Hooker, Keith, Keya Paha, Lincoln, Logan, McPherson, Perkins, Red Willow, Rock, Thomas
Region 6: Banner, Box Butte, Cheyenne, Dawes, Duel, Garden, Kimball, Morrill, Scotts Bluff, Sheridan, Sioux